Caos institucional e autocratização social : considerações socio-juridicas sobre o governo de Fernando Henrique Cardoso no periodo de 1995 a 1996

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Caos institucional e autocratização social : considerações socio-juridicas sobre o governo de Fernando Henrique Cardoso no periodo de 1995 a 1996

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Title: Caos institucional e autocratização social : considerações socio-juridicas sobre o governo de Fernando Henrique Cardoso no periodo de 1995 a 1996
Author: Tura, Marco Antonio Ribeiro
Abstract: Análise e avaliação do governo de Fernando Henrique Cardoso, no período compreendido entre os dias 1.° de janeiro de 1995 e 31 de dezembro de 1996, ressaltando o papel dos atos governamentais no reforço e ampliação das bases autocráticas da sociedade brasileira e, assim, na subordinação das massas populares aos interesses, necessidades e valores de parcelas das elites nacionais vinculadas aos interesses, necessidades e valores das elites transnacionais. O primeiro capítulo trata das relações dos juristas com a democracia. O segundo capítulo aborda a situação da democracia no mundo atual. O terceiro capítulo recupera a história nacional do fim do regime militar até as eleições de outubro de 1994. O quarto capítulo analisa a relação do Poder Executivo, sob a chefia de Fernando Henrique Cardoso, com o Congresso Nacional e com o Supremo Tribunal Federal. O quinto, enfim, avalia a atuação dos ministérios do Planejamento e Orçamento, da Fazenda, dos Transportes, das Minas e Energia e das Comunicações, bem como do Banco Central do Brasil e do Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social. Abstract : This dissertation brings considerations on Fernando Henrique Cardoso government, in the period understood between January 1st, 1995 and December 31, 1996, front to the democratic beginnings established starting from October five, 1988. The sustained central hypothesis is that the government acts perpetuate and enlarge the autocratic bases of the brazilian society, subordinating the popular masses to the interests, needs and values of the national elites linked to the interests, needs and values of the transnational elites. The arguments and the data for the demonstration of this hypothesis are presented in five chapters. In the first, a prominence play is postulated for the jurists in the popular fights for the effective and wide social democratization. In the second, having in view the flaws of the theses on the universalization of democracy, the action of the elites is described to reinforce and to deepen the indispensable autocratic structures for the capitalist expansion for the world in this final of century. In the third, already delineated the terms capitalist expansion, it is the action of the elites, of the end of the military regime of the elections of 1994, for the defense of the brazilian capitalist autocracy. In the fourdl, giving following to the analysis of the elitist actions, the submission of National Congress is pointed and of Federal Supreme Court to the pretenses of Executive Power, wnder Fernando Henrique Cardoso leadership. In the fifth, verified a transposition the limits to the performance of the Executive Power, is exposed the allocation of public resources by the ministries of Planning and Budget, of Finance, of Communications, of Transports and of Mines and Energy, as well as by Central Bank of Brazil and by National Bank of Economic and Social Development, to assist to the demands of the elites. At the end, cownterpoise the data and arguments exposed along the dissertation is looked for and tries to say what can wait of the future in the dynamics of the fights between the autocratic forces and the democratic forces, between oppression forms and liberation modalities.
Description: Dissertação (Mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciencias Juridicas
Date: 1998

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