A situação da classe trabalhadora nos frigoríficos de Barretos: o antagonismo da superexploração
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A situação da classe trabalhadora nos frigoríficos de Barretos: o antagonismo da superexploração |
Remijo, Alcides Pontes
The present study aims to analyze the relations of work and health in the cold city of Barretos - SP . The refrigerators installed in Brazil are gaining world market by acquiring numerous subsidiaries abroad, even in countries traditionally protectionist ( U.S. case ) . At the same time the companies installed in Brazil win the international market , workers become ill due to overwork and / or are injured , forming a mass of disabled or unfit for work . Research has shown this trend in the disease process in workers Refrigerators Barretos - SP . By studying further the object , we conclude that the answer lies not only in labor legislation in many cases not respected . Analyzing the historical particularity of dependent capitalism in Brazil, found that companies tend to overexploit the working class as a form of correction of dependent capitalism . In the genesis , this exploitation , imperialism helped keep the " Welfare State - Social " core countries , because profit rates were high , and the international bourgeoisie could sell part of the gain to subsidize social policies . But after capitalism into crisis structural determinations are new , since the process of concentration and centralization of capital meant that the tendency of the rate of profit is accented . Parallel to this decrease in the rate of profit comes unemployment , job insecurity , dismantling of social policies , privatization . Aventamos the possibility of intensifying the exploitation factor as a countertrend , and this has been occurring widely in Brazilian slaughterhouses , particularly in Barretos . In addition to this process the current situation of the class struggle that put the work on the defensive , and create institutions to capital servants , and wear organizations representing the working class , such as trade unions and political parties . This framework points to reversing a trend of increasing rates of work-related disease in refrigerators due to the intensification of the work day. <br>
Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Sócio-Econômico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Serviço Social, Florianópolis, 2013. |
2013 |
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