The construal of bishop's ideational profile in flores raras e banalíssimas and rare and commonplace flowers: a corpus-based translation study

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The construal of bishop's ideational profile in flores raras e banalíssimas and rare and commonplace flowers: a corpus-based translation study

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dc.contributor Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina pt_BR
dc.contributor.advisor Vasconcellos, Maria Lucia Barbosa de pt_BR Pires, Thiago Blanch pt_BR 2012-10-24T07:57:50Z 2012-10-24T07:57:50Z 2012-10-24T07:57:50Z
dc.identifier.other 276262 pt_BR
dc.description Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Comunicação e Expressão, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras/Inglês e Literatura Correspondente, Florianópolis, 2009. pt_BR
dc.description.abstract This study carried out at the interface of SFL/Translation/corpus-based methodologies investigates the Ideational profile of Elizabeth Bishop in two texts in translation relationship: Flores Raras e Banalíssimas (Oliveira, 1995) e Rare and Commonplace Flowers (trans. Besner, 2002). Its objective is to examine, by means of the categories of the Transitivity System in its experiential component, the Participant =Bishop' and the Processes in which they are inscribed. The pattern of use of the lexical item 'Bishop' is analyzed with a view to observing what kind of Participant is realized by the lexical items related to it and how this Participant can be associated with representations of the American poet both in the textualization (Brazilian Portuguese text) and retextualization (North-American text). The methods for such an investigation were divided into: (i) corpus design, building and processing assisted by WordSmith Tools' suite of programs (Scott, 1999) and (ii) manual corpus analysis complementing automated analysis drawing on the grammar of Processes and Participants. Although results collected from the quantitative analysis show similarities of transitivity patterns in both texts (Bishop is construed as an active Participant involved in Material Processes (43%)), new language configurations emerge in the qualitative analysis. In 10 cases, the Participant Bishop is textualized as Senser and retextualized as Carrier. Such choices of Bishop being a Carrier Participant in the North-American text construes a representation associated with Relational Processes of being, construing a passive Participant in the target context. pt_BR
dc.format.extent xii, 95 f.| il., grafs. pt_BR
dc.language.iso eng pt_BR
dc.subject.classification Lingua inglesa pt_BR
dc.subject.classification Tradução e interpretação pt_BR
dc.subject.classification Linguistica pt_BR
dc.title The construal of bishop's ideational profile in flores raras e banalíssimas and rare and commonplace flowers: a corpus-based translation study pt_BR
dc.type Dissertação (Mestrado) pt_BR

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