Abstract : The performance of the Federal Police Department fighting environmental crimes is relatively recent, but its importance has been increased in the last years. As most of these crimes leave vestiges behind, the participation of Federal Forensics of Criminal Cases is an indispensable element at the criminal persecution. Among the most used by Forensics or Criminal Cases tools and technologies to do that job, nowadays the Geo-processing and associated geo-technologies, as Remote Sensing, Cartography and Global Positioning Systems, stand out. In this context, the use of orbital images, with high or very-highresolution stands out, as the case basis of the federal forensics of environment in Santa Catarina shows that most of the crimes happen in places with a characteristic land structure (small areas, almost always with a high estate value). Furthermore, orbital images have competitive costs, comparing to other sources of geospatial information and the possibility of constant actualization. Although, the indiscriminate use of these technologies must be avoided, because images without the adequate treatment have distortions that may make its forensic and cartographic use impossible. Therefore, the present study exemplifies the potential of information extraction of products generated after the processing of orbital images of forensics accomplishment. It also evaluates the positional quality of Geoeye-1 orbital image submitted to two geometric correction levels (Georeferencing 2D and Orthorectification 3D), as well as orthopicture generated by the aerophotogrametric made by a State of Santa Catarina´s demand between the years of 2010-2011, used as basis for the comparison because of its bigger spatial resolution. According to evaluation by simple sampling proportion, the Georeferencing generated a product that satisfies the criterions of the C Class at the 1:35.000 scale of the PEC, while the Orthorectification, A Class at the 1:5.000 scale. The ortho-picture was framed in the A Class for the 1:2.000 scale, according to the same Pattern of Cartographic Accuracy.