Um estudo para delimitação da area de influencia de shopping centers
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Um estudo para delimitação da area de influencia de shopping centers |
Correa, Marilia Marcia Domingues
Estruturação de uma metodologial para o traçado da área de influência de shopping centersl isolados. Para tal realiza-se uma ampla revisão bibliográfica das metodologias existentes e também um estudo de caso, com dois shopping centers da Grande Florianópolis (SC), visando obter-se um embasamento para o aperfeiçoamento realizado em metodologias existentes. Aplica-se a Metodologia Adotada em um shopping center da cidade e constata-se ser exeqüível quando aplicada em shopping centers isolados. Sugere-se recomendações para estudos futuros, visando ampliar o estudo do traçado da área de influência de shopping centers. Abstract : The purpose of this dissertation is to organize a methodology to help in the outlining of market areas of isolated shopping centers that are to be built in medium-sized cities. This methodology is the result of the analysis of several pieces of bibliography on the subject, as those by ROCA (1980), MUSSI et al (1988) and MARCO (1994), which have particular characteristics and need some improvement. Thus, a case study is carried out on two shopping centers of Grande Florianopolis (SC). Data are collected about the characteristics of the customers, the travels and the surrounding area, as a base for the organization of the methodology. Then, the Adopted Methodology is improved and applied to a shopping center in the city. Based on this, some recommendations are made to broaden the study for outlining the market areas of shopping centers. This way, it is expected to be a contribution to improve the works executed by public and private organizations about the economic and traffic viability in the settlement of shopping centers, as well as to increase the knowledge about traffic-generating centers in the country. |
Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnologico |
1998 |
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