The environmental dimension in new product design - educational training in industrial design

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The environmental dimension in new product design - educational training in industrial design

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Title: The environmental dimension in new product design - educational training in industrial design
Author: Ferroli, Paulo Cesar Machado; Librelotto, Lisiane Ilha; Pazmino, Ana Veronica; Picollo, Luiza Luciano de Oliveira
Abstract: Industrial (product) design has been one of the professions most impacted by the changes imposed by the inclusion of environmental issues in design. Initially covered by the so-called eco-design, industrial design activities have undergone adjustments and improvements. This has resulted in an expanded vision, taking into account the modern vision of sustainability in its economic, social and environmental dimensions. The teaching and academic applications of design in the spheres of research and extension have consequently been altered, demanding complementary visions throughout the process, including course curricula and the need for teaching staff qualifications. The article presents a timeline in which the inclusion of sustainability in product design emerged and proposes a design process model.
Date: 23-12-06

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