Plastic polymers and social vulnerability: Precious Plastic as a program for sustainable development capable of achieving the pillars of sustainability

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Plastic polymers and social vulnerability: Precious Plastic as a program for sustainable development capable of achieving the pillars of sustainability

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Title: Plastic polymers and social vulnerability: Precious Plastic as a program for sustainable development capable of achieving the pillars of sustainability
Author: Maciel Filho, Luiz Valdo A.; Arruda, Amilton José Vieira; Clementino, Thamyres Oliveira; Nogueira, Antônio Henrique Silva
Abstract: The issue of plastic pollution on the planet not only affects the environment but also impacts the three pillars of sustainability, affecting the environment, food production, as well as the health and economy of individuals and communities located geographically close to where the life cycle of these materials occurs, from production to disposal. This text is dedicated to studying the Precious Plastic project as a program capable of combating the social harm caused by the production and disposal of synthetic polymers. To do this, it uses the concept of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and investigates how the organization and distribution of various elements of the project's network can contribute to meeting the motivational needs of Maslow's hierarchy, thus combating situations of social vulnerability.
Date: 23-12-06

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