Vernacular architecture in Angola: culture, history, natural materials and the possibilities for more sustainable construction

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Vernacular architecture in Angola: culture, history, natural materials and the possibilities for more sustainable construction

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Title: Vernacular architecture in Angola: culture, history, natural materials and the possibilities for more sustainable construction
Author: Calei, Grongel; Librelotto, Lisiane Ilha
Abstract: This article focuses on Angolan vernacular architecture and is part of a master's thesis. As a cultural heritage, understanding vernacular architecture also helps us search for more sustainable construction alternatives. To this end, this article search to characterize Angolan vernacular architecture by carrying out a theoretical literature review and a case study in the province of Huíla (Mupalala), Angola, for the cubatas from Nyaneka-Humbi ethnic group. For the case study, it was necessary to interview local residents in order to understand the cultural aspects of construction, building techniques and materials used. In the end, it was possible to characterize this type of construction and understand possible contributions to proposing more sustainable construction.
Date: 23-12-06

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