Sustentabilidade social em Habitação: qualificação dos espaços coletivos do Conjunto Habitacional San Diego, Criciúma / SC.

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Sustentabilidade social em Habitação: qualificação dos espaços coletivos do Conjunto Habitacional San Diego, Criciúma / SC.

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Title: Sustentabilidade social em Habitação: qualificação dos espaços coletivos do Conjunto Habitacional San Diego, Criciúma / SC.
Author: Dassoler, Debora da Silva; Pazini, Denise Machado; Peterson, Rúbia Carminatti
Abstract: This article presents some solutions that seek social sustainability in the project of qualification of the spaces of collective use of the Housing Set San Diego, carried out from analyzes and contact with the residents in the discipline of Popular Urban Settlements ministered in the fifth phase of the Course of Architecture and Urbanism. The work included field trips, dialogue with residents, survey and reading of the place and elaboration of the needs program, resulting in a preliminary study with graphic schemes, educational booklet and cooperative system. According to the requests of the residents, an anthropological approach was proposed, evidencing the pedestrian and its integration into the collective space. The study points out the importance of academic practice and the role of Higher Education Institutions as one of the agents of discussion, reflecting on the need of public policies to encourage practices of joint work between the academic and private sectors in the qualification of underutilized spaces.
Date: 2017-05-03

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