Consumidores de produtos orgânicos: quais são suas motivações de compra?

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Consumidores de produtos orgânicos: quais são suas motivações de compra?

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Title: Consumidores de produtos orgânicos: quais são suas motivações de compra?
Author: Freitas, Tatiana Marcelino de; Trierweiller, Andréa Cristina
Abstract: The market for organic products is growing, it is necessary to deepen the studies on the behavior of the consumers, their real motivations of purchase as well as, the difficulties and limitations in the structures of production, supply and commercialization. The objective of this article was to perform an exploratory analysis of the literature on organic products and related topics, to elaborate a previous version of the research questionnaire that will applied, in a future survey, with current and potential consumers of organic products, their consumption motivations. This is a stage of the Work of Completion of Course of the main author of the article, which also intends to use social networks to promote organic products. Finally, we believe that this article contributed to new proposals with the organic food sector and, furthermore, we can do a broader reflection on the need for new and more sustainable consumption patterns.
Date: 2017-05-03

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