From Social Design to Design for Social Innovation: a systematic literature review

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From Social Design to Design for Social Innovation: a systematic literature review

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Title: From Social Design to Design for Social Innovation: a systematic literature review
Author: Corrêa, Nicholas dos Santos Faria
Abstract: The present study aims to map the concepts and authors mobilized in academic works where the terms Social Design and/or Design for Social Innovation are prominently employed, thus constructing an understanding of which are the discipline's canons, theoretical contributions, and where they are applied. The research methodology adopted is the Systematic Literature Review, using the Parsifal software for managing research stages and having as its scope academic works in Portuguese that are better ranked on the Google Scholar platform. The results point to a defined group of authors who are recurrently mobilized, forming a mandatory theoretical framework for the discipline, in addition to identifying characteristics of the field in academic production and patterns of practical application
Date: 2023-06-05

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