Research on Product-Service Systems in Brazil: an analysis of groups in higher education institutions
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Research on Product-Service Systems in Brazil: an analysis of groups in higher education institutions |
Ventura, Matheus Pereira Ferreira
The search for sustainable consumption alternatives has led both the productive sector and academia
to delve deeper into the topic of Product-Service Systems (PSS). In this sense, this article presents an
overview of research groups in Brazil that mention PSS, and among them, those that also address the
topic of sustainability. Using the systematic literature review method, searches were carried out in the
Directory of Research Groups of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development.
Thirteen groups were identified, of which nine also mention sustainability at some level. The analysis
allows us to perceive that the groups are concentrated in the southern region of the country and in the
field of Production Engineering. With these data, the purpose of this article is to understand the
current state of academic research on PSS in Brazil. |
2023-06-05 |
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