Wood frame constructive system: use and cultural assimilation in Brazil

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Wood frame constructive system: use and cultural assimilation in Brazil

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Title: Wood frame constructive system: use and cultural assimilation in Brazil
Author: Rodrigues, Noélli Nara de Andrade; Moura, Jorge Daniel de Mello; Silva, Ricardo Dias
Abstract: In Brazil, civil construction is one of the sectors that consumes the most energy and generates waste. Therefore, the use of wood has been an alternative to this problem, since it is a renewable and sustainable material. The wood frame makes it possible to align the exploitation of wood and the technology of an agile and clean construction. Despite the growing debate for the dissemination of the use of wood frame in Brazil, it is not so explored, due to lack of knowledge of the technology, labor qualification and prejudice with the material. This work aims to verify, through a bibliographic review and regulations, the use of wood frame, and to understand the processes of cultural acceptance or rejection of this innovation. It is intended, with the presentation of the characteristics and benefits, to expand the possibilities of using this technology as well as to provoke discussion, diffusion and dissemination of the same.
URI: https://repositorio.ufsc.br/handle/123456789/247127
Date: 2023-06-05

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