The contribution of design in building a sustainable management process and use for an urban park

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The contribution of design in building a sustainable management process and use for an urban park

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Title: The contribution of design in building a sustainable management process and use for an urban park
Author: Mafra, Gisele Assis; Pêgo, Kátia Andréa Carvalhaes; Almeida, Marcelina das Graças de
Abstract: The management of public urban parks involves a complex reality, constituted by the interactions that occur in its space and surroundings, representing a challenge for the public sector. In this context, this research aims to verify the contribution of design to the construction of a process of sustainable management and use of an urban park, based on the understanding of its reality and the participation of the community, taking the approach of Design Anthropology and the methodology of Systemic Design (SD) as a theoretical foundation. For this purpose, an exploratory research of an applied nature, with a qualitative approach, was carried out through bibliographical research and a case study of Parque do Confisco, in Belo Horizonte, in addition to participant observation and semi-structured interviews.
Date: 2023-06-05

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