Robotic and biomimetic: technology and sustainability

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Robotic and biomimetic: technology and sustainability

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Title: Robotic and biomimetic: technology and sustainability
Author: Reis, Ney Robinson Salvi dos; souza, Lucia Helena Ramos de
Abstract: Robotic and biomimetic: science and technical fields are increasingly interdisciplinarity. Inspired by nature, such as imitation or suggestion, many inventions are conceived, developed and materialized. There is a lot of knowledge trough observation, studies on principles, models and process from nature approach. Followed by the proper connections to the research subject, or problems to face, seems to be adequate to borrow from nature some of those tips -already developed and tested-, as a kind of short cut to help us materialize solutions and solve problems. In this paper, design and mechanical development of three robots developed from nature observations are described. The robots G.I.R.I.N.O. and Chico Mendes and Pipe support device – designed and developed to meet environmental demands – are examples that science and technology can share -receive and give - good practices to environment when we have a proper care dialog with nature.
Date: 2023-06-05

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