Drivers for sustainable housing adoption in the user’s perception

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Drivers for sustainable housing adoption in the user’s perception

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Title: Drivers for sustainable housing adoption in the user’s perception
Author: Fontolan, Beatrice Lorenz; Ramos, Aline Esperidião; Roio, Iolanda Geronimo Del; Iarozinski Neto, Alfredo
Abstract: This study aims to identify which are the contributing factors for sustainability in housing in the user's perception. Data were extracted by the Survey procedure method. A questionnaire, structured with a seven-point semantic differential scale and 53 variables, was sent via the internet. Multivariate statistical analyzes of the data were performed - factor analysis, with the aid of the SPSS software. The results were stratified in order to obtain a sample that corresponded to the Brazilian population in terms of gender, with 163 results, covering the South, Southeast and Midwest regions. The analysis grouped the variables into eight factors based on their similarities, the most representative being: Resource efficiency, Legal and tax incentives and Relative value. It was verified that there are factors that are really influential and that must be disseminated, in a way that meets the needs and demands of users.
Date: 2023-06-05

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