Social Design - Playful stacking toy for hospitalized children.

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Social Design - Playful stacking toy for hospitalized children.

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Title: Social Design - Playful stacking toy for hospitalized children.
Author: Manoli, Pietra Lazzarini; Faria, Sthefany Munhoz de; Pazmino, Ana Veronica
Abstract: In the last 12 years, the number of child hospitalizations registered in Brazil has exceeded 2.6 million, for this reason, a space where they can have fun and relax in this vulnerable moment becomes essential, in view of this, the law stipulates that all hospitals with pediatric care receive a toy library in their environment. Toy libraries are spaces suitable for children to interact with toys, games, activities or with other children, so it is necessary to have a large number of toys, covering all age groups, to guarantee the fun of any individual. With that in mind, the Product Design course at the Federal University of Santa Catarina gave students the idea of designing a toy that would meet some of the needs demanded by the University Hospital of Florianopolis. During this article, the stages of this project were described, based on the methods taught in the Project Methodology discipline, the result was a disk tower, which guarantees the fun and development of the user.
Date: 2023-06-05

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