State of the Art of the Structural Behavior of Cross Laminated Timber by Finite Element Method

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State of the Art of the Structural Behavior of Cross Laminated Timber by Finite Element Method

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Title: State of the Art of the Structural Behavior of Cross Laminated Timber by Finite Element Method
Author: Teixeira, Matheus Zanghelini; Santos, Samuel da Silva; Terezao, Rodrigo Figueiredo; Corrêa, Camila Alves
Abstract: In search of sustainable development, engineered wood is an alternative for the Brazilian construction sector. The focus of the study is on Cross Laminated Timber (CLT), a panel composed of layers of structurally bonded lamellae that forms a rigid and self-supporting structural element, which is used as a wall, floor slab and roof slab. To ensure the quality of the physical-mechanical properties of CLT studies have been conducted experimentally, analytically and/or numerically, including via numerical modeling by the Finite Element Method (FEM). This paper provides an updated literature review on the structural behavior of CLT by FEM, highlighting the main authors and the advantages of the method. For this, information was exported from the Scopus® database to the VOSviewer® software and bibliometric maps were performed. The FEM proved to be efficient and reliable according to the referenced articles, besides being very versatile due to its wide range of possibilities.
Date: 2023-06-05

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