Bioinspired Smart Façades: an approach in architectural and design project models

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Bioinspired Smart Façades: an approach in architectural and design project models

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Title: Bioinspired Smart Façades: an approach in architectural and design project models
Author: Ferreira, Hilma; Moreira, Fernanda; Andrade, Amilton
Abstract: Architects and designers develop solutions for various day-to-day needs. New design concepts inspired by nature have been a favorable tool for creativity and innovation. Based on the alternatives and principles of bioinspired models in intelligent facades, the article aims to explore the techniques and concepts regarding the use of biomimetics and ecodesign, as tools for the generation of systems, technologies, materials and solutions employed in the skins of buildings. The methodological process for investigation through studies in existing bibliographic literature, presents and analyzes three case studies relevant to the proposed theme, in order to present definitions in the projectual models in architecture and design. As a final product, it aims an approach that responds to the objective outlined and, thus, favors the analysis on the application of new concepts in the external skins of buildings, as possible contributions in the creativity of the practice of design and architecture.
Date: 2023-06-05

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