Dancing bees: game for children about the importance of bees

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Dancing bees: game for children about the importance of bees

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Title: Dancing bees: game for children about the importance of bees
Author: Matos, Ana Luiza dos Santos; Aragones, Ayara Menezes; Pazmino, Ana Veronica
Abstract: This article aims to inform in a playful way, through a game, about the loss of biodiversity, the risks of extinction of bees and how this affects today's society. Bearing this problem in mind and seeking to reach future generations, the work refers to a design project that results in an educational board game with the theme of bees, with the target audience for children between seven (7 ) to twelve (12) years. The realization of the project was based on design methods followed by guidelines that were applied during the Project Methodology discipline of the product design course at UFSC. The work shows the project's actions and the result of a game that places bees related to characters from Brazilian culture and proposes a playful teaching, which can be used inside and outside the classroom, providing a dynamic of questions and answers about knowledge. of the subject and its problems.
URI: https://repositorio.ufsc.br/handle/123456789/247076
Date: 2023-06-05

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