Interuniversity actions for the constitution of a network of material libraries

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Interuniversity actions for the constitution of a network of material libraries

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Title: Interuniversity actions for the constitution of a network of material libraries
Author: Dantas, Denise; Romani, Elizabeth; Miller, Kátia Broeto; Torres, Lorena Gomes
Abstract: This paper aims to report on the actions taken to build and implement the interinstitutional partnership between the University of São Paulo (USP), Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), and Federal University of Espírito Santo (UFES) to establish a network of material libraries. To do so, it presents the relevance of the topic for Design and Architecture projects and its peculiarities; contextualizes the creation of the network's material libraries, as well as the actions and projects developed in partnership; and shows the similarities between the material libraries and the importance of establishing the network. Finally, the report highlights the efforts required to build the network, as well as future actions already planned for the next implementation months.
Date: 2023-06-05

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