Materioteca and Complementary Actions for Teaching, Research and Extension
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Materioteca and Complementary Actions for Teaching, Research and Extension |
Ferroli, Paulo Cesar Machado; Librelotto, Lisiane Ilha; Scremin, João Pedro
This article shows teaching, research and extension actions focused on the use of the material library.
The main goal is to promote the dissemination of knowledge about sustainability in projects, having as
a starting point the material selection process. This paper presents a materioteca with a new concept,
where besides material samples and technical information, it presents a complete report on the
economic, social and environmental sustainability of each material (ESA). Complementary extension
actions include the development of comics, videos, models and prototypes. The initial results of this
research have shown that it is possible to provide designers with an analysis of the relative
sustainability of each material compared to similar ones, providing a very relevant set of design
information. |
2023-06-05 |
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