Interdisciplinarity of Bioinspirated Design: a theory about configuration of new products.

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Interdisciplinarity of Bioinspirated Design: a theory about configuration of new products.

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Title: Interdisciplinarity of Bioinspirated Design: a theory about configuration of new products.
Author: Lobo, Francisco de Assis Sousa; Junior, Galdenoro Botura; Silva, João Carlos Riccó Plácido da; Raposo, João Rocha
Abstract: This paper contributes to the basis of bioinspired design by interpreting how the present moment resuts . With a schematic chart, it locates the phases related to artistic expressions; consider the perception of designers from nature. Arguments such as products can influence consumers' definition of beauty. It considers contemporaneity with iconic designr´s products that, ad continuum, are perpetuated as current
Date: 2023-06-05

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