Development of mobile application of Sigabem project with ArcGIS Experience Builder tool

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Development of mobile application of Sigabem project with ArcGIS Experience Builder tool

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Title: Development of mobile application of Sigabem project with ArcGIS Experience Builder tool
Author: Gomes, Williem Berg de Oliveira; Carvalho, Vânia Soares de; Ferreira, Aida Araújo; Barbosa, Ioná Maria Beltrão Rameh
Abstract: The ArcGIS Enterprise platform consists of advanced mapping and analytical reasoning tools and offers a set of location-based functionalities. The Sigabem project, which integrates this work, has been developed through various tools in search of technological accessibility solutions for people with disabilities to public transportation in the Metropolitan Region of Recife. This work aimed to analyze the development process of a mobile application developed on the ArcGIS platform, through a tool that could offer the resources and implement the requirements of the Sigabem App. It was observed that through the use of the ArcGIS Experience Builder tool, it is possible to explore the functionalities according to the project's needs. This tool is appropriate and fulfills its objective as a source of solutions for geoprocessing problems related to the geoinformation area. The dissemination of the application to its target audience is expected, as well as adjustments for performance improvements or the insertion of other functionalities.
Date: 2023-06-05

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