Architecture for sustainable behavior: analysis of constructions through the vernacular typology and bioconstruction

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Architecture for sustainable behavior: analysis of constructions through the vernacular typology and bioconstruction

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Title: Architecture for sustainable behavior: analysis of constructions through the vernacular typology and bioconstruction
Author: Bertei, Angela Costella
Abstract: Vernacular architecture can be defined as a typology that considers the local or regional character, in which materials and resources from the environment where the building is inserted are used. Bioconstruction, in turn, in addition to considering parameters such as adequacy to local conditions, evaluates waste treatment and employs constructive techniques with low environmental impact in order to build sustainable buildings. Using applied, qualitative, descriptive and bibliographical research, we sought to unite both concepts, correlate them with obtaining sustainable seals and also investigate their contributions to encourage sustainability in architectural projects. It was concluded, therefore, that vernacular architecture and bioconstruction are already being resumed and put into practice in contemporany building, thus showing that they are capable of encouraging architecture for sustainable behavior
Date: 2023-06-05

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