Regeneration for Organizations: towards an onto-epistemological turn and resulting design implications

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Regeneration for Organizations: towards an onto-epistemological turn and resulting design implications

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Title: Regeneration for Organizations: towards an onto-epistemological turn and resulting design implications
Author: Garcia, Natalí Abreu; Franzato, Carlo
Abstract: Currently, in the organizational context, several practices are adopted without adequate reflection about the paradigms and worldview that anchor them, this can lead to an inadequate understanding and action on the context, causing a deepening of the unsustainability of our ways of being and producing. In this article we present some design implications from the mechanistic perspective and through a bibliographical review and articulation between authors, we seek inspiration in the theme of Regeneration for Organizations for the foundation of regenerative design processes, which may be better means to guide us to an ecological, complex, process-based, and integral worldview.
Date: 2023-06-05

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