Analysis of availability of parks and squares in the western region of Santa Maria city, Brazil

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Analysis of availability of parks and squares in the western region of Santa Maria city, Brazil

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Title: Analysis of availability of parks and squares in the western region of Santa Maria city, Brazil
Author: Lourenço, Willian Magalhães de; Meller, Gabriela; Grigoletti, Giane de Campos
Abstract: One of the Sustainable Development Goals for the millennium refers to sustainable cities and communities that includes, by 2030, providing all inhabitants with universal access, among other goals. To do so, it is necessary a more equal distribution of these areas within the urban territory to ensure easy access to them. This article aims to analyze the distribution of these spaces in the western region of Santa Maria city, RS, with about 285,000 inhabitants. The analysis is based on the location of areas officially considered as squares and parks by the municipality and through their actual conditions that allow or not their fruition. The results demonstrate the unequal distribution of these spaces within the urban territory and, in addition, the various conditions of their attractions and maintenance, indicating the need for attention to ensure their effective use by the inhabitants
Date: 2023-06-05

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