CONDOMINIAL EXPANSION AND SUSTAINABILITY: 2030 Agenda contributions and the environmental certifications

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CONDOMINIAL EXPANSION AND SUSTAINABILITY: 2030 Agenda contributions and the environmental certifications

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Title: CONDOMINIAL EXPANSION AND SUSTAINABILITY: 2030 Agenda contributions and the environmental certifications
Author: da Silva, Mariana Almeida; De Conto, Vanessa; Romano, Fabiane Vieira
Abstract: The growing advance of the condominium dissemination in Brazil is presented as a threatful reality in different aspects, such as urban and social segregation, increasing in environmental degradation and irregular appropriation of urban space. As a way of mitigate those impacts, Brazil counts with adapted certification systems and environmental evaluations for the country’s reality. The Brazilian Standard Regulation, NBR 15575, is one of these, such as the Procel PBE Edifica, Selo Casa Azul Caixa and the GBC Condomínios, which presents in it’s demands and guidelines an alignment with 2030 Agenda objectives. In that regard, the present research aims to display a brief understanding of the condominium dissemination, presenting a comparative analysis of these environmental certifications, which are liable to implementation for a more sustainable urban development in Brazil. The work is structured on a bibliographic review on the phenomenon of the condominium expansion, as well as Brazilian environmental certifications and labels that can contribute to increase sustainable projects that are consistent with the precepts of sustainable urban development.
Date: 2023-06-05

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