SUSTAINABLE FASHION STRATEGIES: A STUDY APPLIED TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF CLOTHING PRODUCTSEstratégias Sustentáveis de Moda:um Estudo Aplicado ao Desenvolvimento de Produtos de Vestuário

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SUSTAINABLE FASHION STRATEGIES: A STUDY APPLIED TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF CLOTHING PRODUCTSEstratégias Sustentáveis de Moda:um Estudo Aplicado ao Desenvolvimento de Produtos de Vestuário

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Title: SUSTAINABLE FASHION STRATEGIES: A STUDY APPLIED TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF CLOTHING PRODUCTSEstratégias Sustentáveis de Moda:um Estudo Aplicado ao Desenvolvimento de Produtos de Vestuário
Author: Pinheiro, Eliane; Wachholz, Larissa Aparecida
Description: The current productive methods and the exaggerated consumption generate a socio-environmental crisis to the planet. However, industries gradually seek to incorporate sustainable practices in order to meet the needs of new consumers who are concerned with environmental and social issues in product consumption. Therefore, the present study have as an objective to identify how sustainable strategies contribute to the development of clothing products that reduce environmental impacts. For this study, a systematized and exploratory review was used, through bibliographic research, with the application of qualitative methods. Finally, we present sustainable strategies related to the product methodology that provide the reduction of harm caused to the environment by the production and excessive consumption of garments.

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