Impactos Ambientais Na Cadeia Produtiva Do Couro Bovino: Novos Materiais De Substituição Do Couro
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Impactos Ambientais Na Cadeia Produtiva Do Couro Bovino: Novos Materiais De Substituição Do Couro |
Takayama, Letícia; Fonseca, Amanda Miyuki; Prates, Nathália Hiendicke Moreira
This paper aims to analyze the environmental impacts of the leather productive chain to show
alternative materials for substitution. In this sense, researches were made to revel and highlight the
environmental damage of the leather industry to compare with other five materials that have physical and chemical properties similar to leather, less environmental impact and do not use
animals as raw material. These materials were defined as Synthetic Leather, Piñatex, BioCouture,
Muskin and the company Modern Meadow, which biofabricates leather. This research has
identified that these new materials are better alternatives in environmental terms in relation to the
use of animal leather. However, leather is still a highly valued material and it is necessary that the
companies that use this material and the consumers that buy these products be more conscious in
choosing types of leather that has less environmental damage during the productive chain. |
2017-05-03 |
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