Qualidade de Vida: um desafio para as cidades brasileiras

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Qualidade de Vida: um desafio para as cidades brasileiras

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Title: Qualidade de Vida: um desafio para as cidades brasileiras
Author: Figueiredo, Paola Peterle Rosa do Amaral; Rossetto, Adriana Marques
Abstract: This article proposes a discussion about the city planning regarding quality of life for people. Examining the growth patterns of Brazilian cities, a situation also experienced in many cities around the world, as shown by the United Nations reports and the Habitat III debate that placed the right to the city as a global commitment. Legal right provided by Federal Law 10.257 in 2001, which regulates articles 182 and 183 of the Federal Constitution of 1988. Government managers expect an adequate knowledge of their land to achieving its objectives for the community, formed by distinct and even conflicting groups, to accomplish social justice, through a holistic view of Municipal Master Plan.
URI: https://repositorio.ufsc.br/handle/123456789/240731
Date: 2017-05-03

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