The use of prototyping in the design process - a tool to obtain the rationalization of solid construction waste

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The use of prototyping in the design process - a tool to obtain the rationalization of solid construction waste

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Title: The use of prototyping in the design process - a tool to obtain the rationalization of solid construction waste
Author: Santos, Eveliny dos; Barboza, Aline Ramos da Silva; Ferro, Fernanda Monteiro
Abstract: This paper is part of the study on sustainability in the construction sector based on an analysis about the use of prototyping in design and architectural design development process to enhance efficiency in the execution for work performance and decreasing considerably the production of waste solids, thus underscoring the importance to mitigate environmental impacts today. This article aims to demonstrate how the use of prototyping in construction can improve the design process and planning implementation. The methodology was based on the design base elaboration with the modular coordination with the its components connection and then the materialization do some through. 3D printing experimentation,what made possible to observe that even though there were no conclusive results, the procedure was satisfactory, and prototyping provided improvements in design process planning and pointed some mistakes even during the projetual phase.
Date: 2017-05-03

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