Laboratório de Sistemas Construtivos Sustentáveis UNESC – Um modelo físico-educacional.

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Laboratório de Sistemas Construtivos Sustentáveis UNESC – Um modelo físico-educacional.

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Title: Laboratório de Sistemas Construtivos Sustentáveis UNESC – Um modelo físico-educacional.
Author: Mondardo, Emily; Crispim, Kauana; Macarini, Mateus; Antunes, Elaine; Dias, Lucas
Abstract: According to Barreto (2005), the civil construction sector is one of the main villains of sustainable development, as it is among the most responsible for extraction, raw material consumption, energy, water and solid waste generation. This article describes the research and extension project developed by the Architecture and Urbanism and Civil Engineering courses of the University of Extremo Sul Catarinense (UNESC) and aims to propose a "prototype building" that follows principles of sustainable development. This will be the Laboratory of Sustainable Building Systems (LabSisCon) which proposes to the students the experience of experimental site. The architectural design meets the uses that it proposes in order to use its solar orientation, its incidence of winds, techniques and constructive processes, specification of materials according to the principles of sustainability. The structure of the building will be with tubular steel scaffolding, polycarbonate plate seals, cast blocks, green wall and polycarbonate roofing.
Date: 2017-05-03

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