Composteira automática para uso residencial.

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Composteira automática para uso residencial.

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Title: Composteira automática para uso residencial.
Author: Sagaz, Maycon Manoel; Ferroli, Paulo Cesar Machado
Abstract: Today, sustainability, sustainable products, green solutions, concern for the planet, etc. are recurrent themes. However, little is done about it. The reversal of the current frame is only possible with the commitment of all: leaders, industries, companies, and especially the people. Designers are present in this process, in a prominent position. Are the designers responsible for creating new products, new processes, new materials. A paradigm shift is almost always necessary. This paper shows a project aimed aims to alleviate one of the major problems currently found: the organic waste. The solution is a new concept of automatic composter for residential use.
Date: 2017-05-03

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