Spray behavior on compression ignition internal combustion engines: a computational analysis using CFD

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Spray behavior on compression ignition internal combustion engines: a computational analysis using CFD

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Title: Spray behavior on compression ignition internal combustion engines: a computational analysis using CFD
Author: Adão, Wellington Barcelos
Abstract: Utilizando a comparação de experimentos, analisamos o bico injetor diesel e suas características principais. Com o auxílio de software de engenharia, AVL FIRE, podemos simular as diferentes condições de operação e analisar o desenvolvimento da cavitação e erosão no canal do injetor. Variando condições inicias - pressão inicial, temperatura inicial e levante da agulha de injeção, é possível identificar variações no leque de combustível injetado, penetração e fases envolvidas.Using the comparison of experiments, we analyzed the diesel injector nozzle and its main characteristics. With the aid of engineering software, AVL FIRE, we can simulate the different operating conditions and analyze the development of cavitation and erosion in the injector channel. By varying the initial conditions - initial pressure, initial temperature and injection needle elevation, it is possible to identify variations in the injected fuel range, penetration and involved phases.
Description: TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Campus Joinville. Engenharia Automotiva.
URI: https://repositorio.ufsc.br/handle/123456789/192436
Date: 2018-12-04

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