Relações entre capacidade de absorção de conhecimento, sistemas de memória organizacional e desempenho financeiro

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Relações entre capacidade de absorção de conhecimento, sistemas de memória organizacional e desempenho financeiro

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dc.contributor Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina en
dc.contributor.advisor Steil, Andrea Valéria en Santos, Jane Lucia Silva en 2013-12-06T00:29:15Z 2013-12-06T00:29:15Z 2013 en
dc.identifier.other 320124 en
dc.description Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia e Gestão do Conhecimento, Florianópolis, 2013. en
dc.description.abstract en
dc.description.abstract Abstract : This study focuses on the important issue of measuring absorptivecapacity and its relations with other constructs, in the organizational context. The main purpose of this work is to examine the relationshipsbetween absorptive capacity (AC), organizational memory systems(OMS) and organizational financial performance (OFP). The theoricalperspective adopted defines and operationalizes AC as amultidimensional construct made up of two main subsets, one "potential" and other "realizized". Based on argum nts grounded inprevious studies, four hypotheses are developed, associating bothdimensions with the use of information technology (IT)-based OMS,and with OFD. The empirical study follows a cross-sectional surveydesign conducted in 101 companies from the software and IT servicessector in Florianopolis, Brazil. A confirmatory factor analysis (CFA)reveals the reliability and validity of the construct measurements.Structural equation modeling (SEM) is used to test the hypotheses. Theresults indicate that (i) the use of IT-based OMS positively affects thepotential AC of the organizations studied; however, (ii) no significantpositive relationship was found between the use of these memorysystems and the realized AC; on the other hand (iii) the potential AC ispositively and significantly associated with the realized AC; and (iv)this realized AC is significantly associated with the OFP, suggesting thata high level of realized AC has a positive impact on the financial resultsof the companies studied. This study contributes to linking the twointerdisciplinary research fields of organizational memory and AC byconducting an empirical analysis of the conceptual relations establishedby the scientific literature. The work concludes with a broaderdiscussion of the theoretical and practical implications of the findings,and future research trajectories are presented. en
dc.format.extent 232 p.| il., grafs., tabs. en
dc.language.iso por en
dc.subject.classification Engenharia e gestão do conhecimento en
dc.subject.classification Gestão do conhecimento en
dc.subject.classification Aprendizagem organizacional en
dc.subject.classification Capacidade de aprendizagem en
dc.subject.classification Desempenho en
dc.subject.classification Desenvolvimento organizacional en
dc.subject.classification Administração financeira en
dc.title Relações entre capacidade de absorção de conhecimento, sistemas de memória organizacional e desempenho financeiro en
dc.type Tese (Doutorado) en
dc.contributor.advisor-co Rados, Gregório Jean Varvakis en

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