Trata-se um ensaio clinico, semi-experimental, com duracao de 18 semanas,intervencional, de delineamento longitudinal, randomizado, de grupos paralelos, com o objetivo de desenvolver modulos de aprendizagem sobre o controle da asma para a intervencao educativa e avaliar os efeitos na qualidade de vida e a relacao com o controle da asma dos pacientes submetidos a intervencao educativa. O estudo foi dividido em dois periodos sequenciais distintos: periodo pre-randomizacao com duracao de 2 semanas, teve por objetivo determinar se os participantes eram capazes de seguir as orientacoes, preencher adequadamente os diarios e medir o pico de fluxo expiratorio e, periodo pos-randomizacao que teve a duracao de 16 semanas. Os participantes do Grupo Intervencao (GI), durante o periodo pos randomizacao, foram avaliados atraves de visitas com intervalos de 30 dias. Os dados foram analisados de forma estatistica e clinica. Nos resultados observamos que o escore global de qualidade de vida no GI teve uma melhora clinicamente importante (> 2.0) e que isto nao ocorreu no GC. Contudo a analise das diferencas entre grupos demonstrou nivel de significancia igual a 0.05. A analise das mudancas apos intervencao em cada dominio estudado, mostrou aumento clinicamente importante (diferenca . 0.5) no GI e no GC apenas na limitacao das atividades. As diferencas entre grupos foram estatisticamente significativas apenas para limitacao das atividades e funcao emocional. No controle da asma os resultados demonstram que o mesmo nao foi modificado pela intervencao educativa, quer quando analisado como escore global ou quando analisado por itens do escore. Estes resultados sao importantes porque demonstram que uma intervencao educativa pode modificar a qualidade de vida dos asmaticos. Alem de serem relevantes por comprovar que a utilizacao de um metodo educativo estruturado, flexivel e dinamico, amplia informacoes fundamentais sobre a asma favorecendo mudancas na forma de lidar com a doenca e seu tratamento. Sugere que se comece a pensar em submeter a pratica assistencial de enfermagem a investigacoes criteriosas, procurando avalia-la a luz do que se entende por enfermagem-ciencia. Uma comprovacao em nivel de desempenho assistencial podera contribuir para a apropriacao do papel do enfermeiro com maior autonomia profissional, principalmente no que tange a realizacao do diagnostico, prescricao e avaliacao de enfermagem, junto aos pacientes e familiares, nas mais diversas areas assistenciais, que tambem requerem pela pratica educativa uma aprendizagem de autonomia no controle de seu conviver com a asma, como uma condicao cronica de saude. This is clinical trial, semi-experimental, with duration of 18 weeks, interventional, using a longitudinal, randomized outline of parallel groups. The objective of this study is to develop learning models concerning asthma control for educational intervention and to evaluate their implications upon the quality of life in relation to the asthma control of patients who are submitted to educational intervention. This study was divided in two distinct sequential periods: the pre-randomized period, which lasted 2 weeks and sought to determine if the participants were able to follow the orientation given, correctly fill out the daily reports, and measure the peak expiratory flow; and the postrandomization period, which lasted for 16 weeks. The participants in the Intervention Group (IG) were evaluated during the visits in 30-day intervals during the post-randomization period. The data was analyzed statistically and clinically. We observed in the results that the global standard for quality of life in the IG had a clinically important improvement (> 2.0), which did not occur in the CG. However, the analysis of the differences between groups demonstrated a level of significance equal to 0.05. The analysis of changes after intervention in each domain studied showed a clinically important improvement (difference . 0.5) in the IG and in the CG only in the limitation of activities. The difference between groups was statistically significant only for the limitation of activities and for emotional functioning. Concerning the control of asthma, the results demonstrated that the same was not modified by educational intervention, whether when analyzed against the global standard or when analyzed by items of the standard. These results are important because they show that educational intervention can modify the quality of life of asthma patients.They are also relevant in confirming that the utilization of a structured, flexible, and dynamic educational method amplifies fundamental information about asthma, favoring changes in the manner of dealing with the disease and its treatment. We suggest that consideration is given to submitting the nursing care practice to criteria-based investigations, seeking to evaluate it with respect to what is understood to be nursing-science. An approval in terms of care performance may contribute to the appropriation of the role of nursing with greater professional independence, principally in what refers to the achievement of nursing diagnosis, prescription, and evaluation, together with the patients and family members, in the most diverse areas of care, which also requires learning autonomy in the control of living with asthma as a chronic health condition. |