Proceedings of the VI Iberoamerican Conference on Advanced Oxidation Technologies

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Proceedings of the VI Iberoamerican Conference on Advanced Oxidation Technologies

Show simple item record Marangoni, Cíntia Moreira, Regina de Fatima Peralta Muniz Fonseca, Jéssica Matos 2025-01-28T07:27:07Z 2025-01-28T07:27:07Z 2024-10-12
dc.identifier.citation Proceedings of the VI Iberoamerican Conference on Advanced Oxidation Technolgoies, Cíntia Marangoni, Jéssica Matos Fonseca, Regina de Fatima Peralta Muniz Moreira (org.), ISBN 978-8328-315-7, Florianópolis, UFSC, 2024 pt_BR
dc.identifier.isbn 978-85-8328-315-7
dc.description Proceedings of the VI Iberoamerican Conference on Advanced Oxidation Technologies pt_BR
dc.description.abstract The Iberoamerican Conference on Advanced Oxidation Technologies (CIPOA) was first held in 2013 in Recife, Brazil. Since then, the conference has been hosted in various cities, including Belo Horizonte, Brazil (2015), Medellín, Colômbia (2017), Natal, Brazil (2019), and Cusco, Peru (2022). In 2024, Florianópolis, Brazil, has been chosen to host the Iberoamerican community for discussions on the latest advances and future perspectives in the fundamental principles and applications of Advanced Oxidation Technologies (AOTs). With each edition, the number of attendees and the diversity of represented countries has grown, reaching over 512 participants from 28 countries across four continents for the 6th CIPOA. The Scientific Committee (SC) approved 535 abstracts for this edition, selecting 120 for oral presentations on highly relevant research topics, and 400 for poster presentations. The 6th CIPOA brought together scientists, Ph.D. students, master's and undergraduate students, and professionals to share research findings and engage in discussions about future directions and opportunities in Advanced Oxidation Technologies. The conference focused on key areas such as environmental protection, chemical and food engineering, energy, and climate sectors, all contributing to a sustainable, carbon-neutral circular economy. The conference featured 15 plenary speakers, who provided in-depth insights into various key aspects of Advanced Oxidation Technologies. Additionally, round-table discussions on industry-academia cooperation and perspectives on scientific publication facilitated a broad debate on important topics related to trends in Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs). All presented contributions, both oral and poster, will have the opportunity to be submitted as full research papers for special issues of the Chemical Engineering Journal, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, or Separation and Purification Technologies, which will be dedicated to the fundamentals and applications of AOTs. Special thanks go to the members of the Scientific Committee for their valuable support in evaluating abstracts and actively promoting the VI CIPOA globally. I also extend my gratitude to the organizing institution, the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC, Brazil), the Brazilian Association of Chemical Engineering (ABEQ, Brazil), as well as the companies and institutions supporting this conference. Finally, I would like to express my personal thanks to the members of the local organizing committee for their dedicated work in making this event possible. pt_BR
dc.language.iso eng pt_BR
dc.subject Advanced Oxidation Technologies pt_BR
dc.subject Wastewater treatment pt_BR
dc.subject Clean technologies pt_BR
dc.title Proceedings of the VI Iberoamerican Conference on Advanced Oxidation Technologies pt_BR
dc.type conference proceedings pt_BR

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