LINK-ESG: Proposition of Sustainability Awareness Journeys for Managers and Decision Makers

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LINK-ESG: Proposition of Sustainability Awareness Journeys for Managers and Decision Makers

Show simple item record Martins, Digiane Raphaela Castillo, Leonardo Augusto Gomez 2024-01-17T12:29:04Z 2024-01-17T12:29:04Z 23-12-06
dc.identifier.issn 978-65-00-87779-3
dc.description.abstract This research aims to understand how to sensitize managers and decision-makers in a way that makes them desire to embrace the sustainability cause, allowing them to effectively contribute to an urgent change in human behaviors and organizational dynamics. The goal is to propose awareness journeys that can be easily understood and implemented independently, systematically, and flexibly. The methodology included market research, literature review, ideation for defining project requirements, creation of mind maps and diagrams, consultations with psychology experts, participatory brainstorming sessions with business consultants, and an online questionnaire to assess the coherence, comprehensibility, applicability, and relevance of the proposal. Fifteen experts in psychology, design, sustainability, and business consulting contributed, along with service designers who participated during the evaluation of a graduation project in design. pt_BR
dc.language.iso por pt_BR
dc.publisher Grupo de Pesquisa VirtuHab/UFSC pt_BR
dc.subject Engajament; ESG; Design for Sustainability. pt_BR
dc.title LINK-ESG: Proposition of Sustainability Awareness Journeys for Managers and Decision Makers pt_BR
dc.title.alternative LINK-ESG: Proposição de Jornadas de Sensibilização em Sustentabilidade para Gestores e Decisores pt_BR
dc.type Article pt_BR

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