Bionics and Biomimetics: physical models of natural systems

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Bionics and Biomimetics: physical models of natural systems

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Title: Bionics and Biomimetics: physical models of natural systems
Author: Pazmino, Ana Veronica; Zaparoli, Moisés; Kumagai, Deborah Naomi
Abstract: The article presents the development of four models of natural systems made through digital materialization to serve as physical material for the application of Bionics and Biomimetics in product development. This is theoretical-practical research on the structures of natural systems and the development of the construction of physical models through digital printing. Application of the biological process called overlapping or overlaying, the term refers to the logic of overlapping "layers" as happens in animals such as the armadillo. The models of the bands of the armadillo, the honeycomb, the snowflake and Furnarius rufus nest will serve to be applied in project disciplines in the Product Design course as an opportunity to visualize and understand the relationship between shape and function present in natural systems. The material was produced at the FabLab Pronto 3D at the Federal University of Santa Catarina.
Date: 23-12-06

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