dc.description.abstract |
This article aims to consolidate information pertinent to the possibilities of generating energy from
sound waves, using materials derived from research for a future academic dissertation by the same
author. The combination of this data from a speculative design perspective allows us to develop
conceptual principles for products and services that promote the use of an abundant and clean energy
source, which still presents unique challenges to be integrated into a significant capacity. Sound
production, in general, is found in natural environments and also manufactured objects, presenting
the possibility of obtaining this energy through means not even imagined until then. As inspiration, the
human auditory system and some of its functions are discussed here, such as the conversion of
mechanical signals to electrical ones, helping in an elaborate understanding of listening and providing
creative opportunities for formulating solutions in terms of energy generation. Also investigating the
phenomenon of piezoelectricity, Wireless Sensor Networks, and the production of electrical charge
through synthetic materials, opens up space for new ways of manipulating biological properties. The
conclusions presented here are approaches, in this context, to the conditions for implementing
frequencies and sound waves as energy sources. |
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