Additive Manufacturing/3D Printing directed to Sustainability: brazilian bibliographic overview and application guidelines

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Additive Manufacturing/3D Printing directed to Sustainability: brazilian bibliographic overview and application guidelines

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Title: Additive Manufacturing/3D Printing directed to Sustainability: brazilian bibliographic overview and application guidelines
Author: Araújo, José Victor dos Santos; Clementino, Thamyres Oliveira; Torres, Pablo Marcel de Arruda
Abstract: With the diversity of technologies on the rise today, it becomes necessary to investigate how to use them in sustainable practices. The present work is a Systematic Bibliographic Review (SBR) that verified how Additive Manufacturing/3D Printing technology is being associated with sustainability in scientific productions in Brazil. The sixteen (16) selected articles were published in the Sustainability Meeting in Design, Brazilian Congress of Research and Development in Design (P&D Design) annals , Sustainable Design Symposium (SDS) and in the magazine Mix Sustentável, between the years 2018 to 2023. The results show (1) analysis of the article, aiming to identify its central themes, the most recurrent were: Product-Service System (PSS), Waste Reduction, Ecodesign and Recycling; (2) definition of keywords, the most used being “3D Printing”, “Additive Manufacturing”, “Biomimicry”, “Filaments” and “Recycling”; (3) understanding the focus of the work through Design for Sustainability strategies; (4) guidelines for applying 3D printing sustainably.
Date: 23-12-06

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