Products of Social Segregation in Urban Spaces: field research with homeless people in the city of Florianópolis

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Products of Social Segregation in Urban Spaces: field research with homeless people in the city of Florianópolis

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Title: Products of Social Segregation in Urban Spaces: field research with homeless people in the city of Florianópolis
Author: Scandolara, Marina; Pazmino, Ana Veronica
Abstract: The article presents documentary and field research into the contemporary social problems of homeless people in the city of Florianópolis, in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil. The scope of the research is the preliminary survey of the needs and problems of homeless people in order to use this data to develop a product that can help this social group. The work is part of a course completion project that discusses social design as an area in the field of design that is concerned with meeting the demands of social groups at the base of the pyramid and not with the vision of market design. The article also deals with criticism and reflection on the exclusionary public environment. The result is relevant data to continue the product design project for homeless people.
Date: 23-12-06

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