Slowed and sustainable territory: The slow positioning of Socorro/SP

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Slowed and sustainable territory: The slow positioning of Socorro/SP

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Title: Slowed and sustainable territory: The slow positioning of Socorro/SP
Author: Jorge, Gabriel Gallina; Tarouco, Fabrício Farias
Abstract: This article explores the synergy between the concept of strategic design for territories, the principles of the slow city movement and the search for urban sustainability. Using the city of Socorro – SP as an object of study, the efforts and strategies of a territory that incorporated these approaches to promote quality of life, environmental preservation and sustainable development were highlighted. In the search to contribute to other cities, we examined how the appreciation of local culture, the emphasis on sustainable mobility and the continuous conservation of natural resources are articulated in a joint effort towards local development. The results obtained illustrated how other cities can strategically position themselves in this universe, attracting not only visitors in search of authenticity, but also contributing to a more balanced and eco-conscious urban future. This study reinforced the importance of the triad ‘territorial design, slow city and sustainability’ in shaping the future of cities on a global scale.
Date: 23-12-06

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