Modelos de Negócios Sustentáveis: a abordagem projetual do Design Estratégico na valorização de produtos locais

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Modelos de Negócios Sustentáveis: a abordagem projetual do Design Estratégico na valorização de produtos locais

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Title: Modelos de Negócios Sustentáveis: a abordagem projetual do Design Estratégico na valorização de produtos locais
Author: Bezerra, Pablo F. M.; Arruda, Amilton J. V. de; Moroni, Isabela M. R.; Soares, Theska L. F.
Abstract: In a context of high competitiveness and shortage of resources, creating sustainable business models is crucial for organizations that seek to stand out and have longevity in the market. Such an ideal must be present in everything that involves the company, including its processes and products. This article aims to reflect on the power of adopting the Strategic Design approach in the creation and application of business models based on local products – which are important engines for the economic development of their regions. For this, a bibliographic review was carried out and a case study was analyzed. Strategic Design, as a project approach that aims to design Product-Service Systems based on sustainability and aligned to a well-defined organizational strategy, has presented itself as a resource with high potential to assist in the consolidation of sustainable business models and their application in everything that an organization aims to do and communicate.
Date: 2017-05-03

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