Design de Interiores e Sustentabilidade: Inteligente Automação Doméstica Aplicada a Ambientes Residenciais

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Design de Interiores e Sustentabilidade: Inteligente Automação Doméstica Aplicada a Ambientes Residenciais

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Title: Design de Interiores e Sustentabilidade: Inteligente Automação Doméstica Aplicada a Ambientes Residenciais
Author: Klein, Felipe; Camiloti, Lidiane; Gomes, Luiz Antônio Vidal de Negreiros
Abstract: Professionals working with Interior Design have used the expression “smart homes” to refer some new characteristics of research within a multidisciplinary technological field. The studies in that technological field have been applied to the improvement of the home environment. In Brazil, that field of expertise has been coined, in 2010, “Domótica” by Caio Bolzani. That neologism —originated from the Latin word “domus” together with the Czech word “robota” — must be used in the sense of automatized technological control to better the quality of life in the domestic environments, but with full compromising to the sustainability matters. That neologism, therefore, has been used to designate new technological situations brought to the interior design of our contemporary domestic houses. This papers presents some of these technologies (products and processes) that have made de quality differences into our daily activities in our home environment.
Date: 2017-05-03

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