Criação de calçados para pessoas carentes com resíduos têxteis e de borracha

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Criação de calçados para pessoas carentes com resíduos têxteis e de borracha

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Title: Criação de calçados para pessoas carentes com resíduos têxteis e de borracha
Author: Klein, Bruno Gustavo; Almeida Netto, Nelson Martins de
Abstract: Brazil has some specific environmental protection laws for the disposal of industrial waste, however, these laws are very frivolous regarding the penalty of incorrect disposal or the instruction of discard of each type of material. Textile and rubber waste, for example, are still worrying, since they are usually incinerated or grounded, causing damage to nature. This work suggests the use of these materials with the creation of a very useful product to the less favored society, of the Jaraguá do Sul region.
Date: 2017-05-03

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