Comparison of the use of reinforcement in conventional and block masonry (EPS) in the structural design of a single-family building

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Comparison of the use of reinforcement in conventional and block masonry (EPS) in the structural design of a single-family building

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Title: Comparison of the use of reinforcement in conventional and block masonry (EPS) in the structural design of a single-family building
Author: Vicensi, Lalesca Boeno; Zini, Patricia; Mores, Rubia; Schuck, Aline
Abstract: The objective of this work is to compare two methods of application of structural loads for a Single Family Residential Building a) conventional masonry; b) EPS (Expanded Polystyrene) block, where the Eberick V10 software was used to launch the structural projects. According to Krüger and Silva (2019), it was developed for structural design in reinforced concrete, including the launching of the structure, analysis, design and detailing. After dimensioning and analyzing the structural design of conventional masonry with a wall load of 1900 kgf/m³, with the copy, it replaced the wall loads to 400 kgf/m³ corresponding to the specific weight of the EPS block. With the comparative results of the structural design of conventional masonry and the EPS block, it is identified that the vertical load on the foundation reached a good reduction in relation to the whole of the single-family residential building. But the weight of the reinforcements and the moments on the beams showed little difference, even so the structural design of the EPS block stood out in relation to conventional masonry, reducing the amount of load and reinforcement, making a more economical and viable construction.
Date: 2023-06-05

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