House design with bamboo mixed systems in Florianopolis’ city

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House design with bamboo mixed systems in Florianopolis’ city

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Title: House design with bamboo mixed systems in Florianopolis’ city
Author: Luz, Giulia Barbosa da; Espíndola, Luciana da Rosa
Abstract: The civil construction process causes several impacts to the environment due to the excessive use of non-renewable materials and the waste generated throughout its life cycle. Therefore, solutions with sustainable materials are being increasingly demanded. Bamboo can be a great material for construction, but in Brazil there is not much information about its use in homes. To demonstrate its potential as a building material, this work has as main objective to develop the design of a house using mixed bamboo systems in the city of Florianopolis, Santa Catarina. First, the bamboo species was selected based on a bibliographic survey and a questionnaire with companies in Florianopolis. Also, guidelines for the project were defined based on bibliographic surveys on the specificities of bamboo. And, finally, based on the needs program, the architectural design of the house was elaborated using Revit and Autocad software.
Date: 2023-06-05

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