Sustainability applied to equipment of social interest: a case study in Cachoeirinha/RS

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Sustainability applied to equipment of social interest: a case study in Cachoeirinha/RS

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Title: Sustainability applied to equipment of social interest: a case study in Cachoeirinha/RS
Author: Nunes, Bárbara de Ávila; Nerbas, Patricia de Freitas
Abstract: The environment in which we live directly influences existing opportunities throughout life. A socially active environment with cultural awareness contributes to the collective and individual construction of belonging to the occupied space and a space conducive to the socioeconomic development of the population. This article seeks to discuss socio-environmental sustainability strategies applied in areas of social vulnerability, under the condition of scarce resources and the promotion of community participation in the project. As an object of study, it is used the proposal of a Cultural and Social Institute located in the city of Cachoeirinha, in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre, designed under the application of the research methodology in two stages: bibliographical review and user interview. As a result, the project for the institute is obtained in a systemic way to the existing surroundings and with the application of sustainable strategies applied to the project.
Date: 2023-06-05

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